Rabu, 27 April 2011

Stockholm University Continuing Education Scholarship in Astrobiology

The research project will be Continuing Education Scholarship in the area of Star Formation and Exoplanets, where one astrobiologically relevant project will explore the possibilities to detect life at astronomical distances by so called biomarkers. One challenge is to find biomarkers, which are sensitive to a wide range of organisms but also exclude known abiotic processes. Another task is to find methods, which are capable of detecting biomarker at long distances.

The Continuing Education Scholarship project requires the ability to work independently in addition to collaborative skills and creative thinking. Since the project is part of global collaborations excellent oral and written communication skills in English are required. Furthermore, since the student is probable to participate in the activities of the Stockholm University Astrobiology Centre, the ability to communicate over the boundaries of one’s own discipline is required.

Terms of employment

The 4 year PhD position is financed initially with a study grant (‘utbildingsbidrag’) followed by a salaried position (‘doktorandanställning’). It may be possible to proffer the positions up to 5 years by taking 20 % institutional duties.

The position is open to all nationalities who at the start of the position have the equivalent of a Masters degree in astronomy or physics. The starting date for the position is flexible but no later than November 1, 2011.

Union representatives are Bo Ekengren (SACO), Lisbeth Häggberg (Fackförbundet ST), telephone +46-(0)8-16 2000 (thrash board), and Gunnar Stenberg (SEKO), telephone +46-(0)70-316 43 41.

For additional information, delight contact Dr. Alexis Brandeker, telephone +46-(0)8-5537 8539, e-mail alexis@astro.su.se.

All-purpose information in this area PhD studies can be obtained from the director of graduate studies, Professor Garrelt Mellema, telephone +46-(0)8-5537 8552, e-mail garrelt@astro.su.se.

Applications should include

  • an application form (can be downloaded at http://astrobiology.physto.se),
  • a copy of the certificate of your undergraduate studies,
  • a list of courses attended and grades achieved (Swedish students should send their “Examensbevisâ€�),
  • a curriculum vitae including a list of publications (if applicable) and
  • a small letter of motivation.

Furthermore, you are required to question 2 referees to send a letter of reference directly to the address below. Do not send them by yourself with the application.

The Continuing Education Scholarship application should be marked with the reference number SU 401-0003-vv11, and should be expected no later than May 2, 2011, by e-mail to:

or by regular mail to:

Stockholm University
Department of Astronomy
Att. Sandra Ã…berg
AlbaNova University Center

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